Thursday 26 May 2011

Rocket Girl Rig Part 2

Here are more screenshots that show the progress of the rig as I added more functionality to it. Here I started adding more controls to deform the lower body separately from the upper body. This could give the animator added capabilities.

Here is another unique feature that I added. Here we can see that not only the back stretches and squshes- the mesh around the waist also fattens and thins out. This is a consideration that is very important in animation- the conservation of volume is key in enabling realistic deformations of a character.

Although this may seem to look very messy, the effect was created with default smooth bind. Once the painted weights is done for all regions, and the arms are constrained to follow the upper body, we will find a great deal of improvement.

A look at the rig on its own

Rig Tests/Extreme Poses

Here is a rig test to demonstrate the first successful use of the stretchy limb controls.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Rocket Girl Rig Part 1

With an initial  model ready to work from I started the skeletal set up. I used a new approach whilst constructing the rig. Sometimes we gain gain further control from individual joint chains when they are not connected. For example, the leg is disjoint from the hip. The arms are not joined to the shoulder. the hands are not joined to the wrists and even the feet are not joined to the leg. Using this set up we will be able to set up stretchy limb functionality later on. 

Original Model

Establishing the joints

Setting up IKs

Setting up the stretchy limbs 

Following a digital tutors tutorial, I managed to create the stretchy limb functionality using constrained distance locators and a set of expressions that appropriately scaled the leg joints. There are nodes such as the multiplyDivide node which can assist in the desired effects.

Monday 16 May 2011

The Rocket Girl Rig

I was approached by our animators before beginning the actual rig. This was a very good opportunity for me to analyse the requirements that they wanted for the animation.

Here is the first draft of the 2D animatic. This also gave me a very good idea of the capablities the rig would need.

(password: rocketman)

We can see many cases where the rig may need to have flexible limbs etc. The animators wanted stretchy limb functionality. I decided that given the style of the character it would need a great deal of control. The feel of the character seems very cartoony.

 I also noticed that the rig would need control for the skirt- a feature I had never previously worked on. With this in mind I found some examples of rigs with similar functionality.

I noticed a similar functionality on the moom rig.

Here is an animation that I did last year using the moom rig which demonstrates some of the functionality I am looking for as a rigger in this term.

Here is another example of a very nice animation (not done by myself) that demonstrates the animation capabilities achievable with a good rig and a talented animator.

Another rig that demonstrates a great level of flexibility to the animator is the blake rig. Here is an overview of that rig.

With all of these examples in mind I will now attempt to set a similar standard in my character rig.

Friday 13 May 2011

Recap on Referencing

From the last project (the spitfire project) I had mentioned the use of referencing.

This was the method by which we would be able to work on different aspects of 3D pipeline like modelling, rigging and animation whilst being able to update each individual part as we go along. In this way we could focus on each part separately throughout the whole project. This method was also intended for this project too and given that I would be woring with Ollie Kane for modelling and Joseph Henson/Nick Georgeou for animation, there would be no tyeething problems in implementing this workflow.

For a more detailed perpsective on the referencing process see the following link.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

post 1:Two Projects, One Unit

This blog documents the unit Industry Exercises 3.

Myself and other members of my group have decided to partake in two projects that both be assessed with this unit.

This blog follows the development of the "Mission Control" project.

The following is a link to the "Spitfire" project.

Monday 2 May 2011

Unit Introduction

Sanjay Sen Industry Exercises 3 Brief Breakdown.

In this Unit I will be involved in the successful delivery of two projects.

Project 1: Spitfire Project
This is a client based project set to us by a Framestore Director. He has assigned us the job of creating a Pre-visualisation of a potential film based on a World War 2 fighter Pilot.

Our task as a group is to create a realistic aviation scene with a take-off/landing sequence. The piece must be photorealistic, believable and to a professional standard.

My role in this project will be to create both an animator friendly rig for the plane such that it carries out all functionality and also to create a pilot rig who will be seated in the cockpit. I also may be assisting with any dynamics.

Project 2: Mission Control
This is a third year student based project. Being part of the rigging for his main character, it will be my job to create a cartoon styled rig with great capability.

Again this project is constrained to a deadline and working along side a team within a pipeline.

These two projects, whose progress will be documented on separate blogs, will constitute the work of this unit on which I should be marked on.