Thursday 26 May 2011

Rocket Girl Rig Part 2

Here are more screenshots that show the progress of the rig as I added more functionality to it. Here I started adding more controls to deform the lower body separately from the upper body. This could give the animator added capabilities.

Here is another unique feature that I added. Here we can see that not only the back stretches and squshes- the mesh around the waist also fattens and thins out. This is a consideration that is very important in animation- the conservation of volume is key in enabling realistic deformations of a character.

Although this may seem to look very messy, the effect was created with default smooth bind. Once the painted weights is done for all regions, and the arms are constrained to follow the upper body, we will find a great deal of improvement.

A look at the rig on its own

Rig Tests/Extreme Poses

Here is a rig test to demonstrate the first successful use of the stretchy limb controls.

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