Monday 2 May 2011

Unit Introduction

Sanjay Sen Industry Exercises 3 Brief Breakdown.

In this Unit I will be involved in the successful delivery of two projects.

Project 1: Spitfire Project
This is a client based project set to us by a Framestore Director. He has assigned us the job of creating a Pre-visualisation of a potential film based on a World War 2 fighter Pilot.

Our task as a group is to create a realistic aviation scene with a take-off/landing sequence. The piece must be photorealistic, believable and to a professional standard.

My role in this project will be to create both an animator friendly rig for the plane such that it carries out all functionality and also to create a pilot rig who will be seated in the cockpit. I also may be assisting with any dynamics.

Project 2: Mission Control
This is a third year student based project. Being part of the rigging for his main character, it will be my job to create a cartoon styled rig with great capability.

Again this project is constrained to a deadline and working along side a team within a pipeline.

These two projects, whose progress will be documented on separate blogs, will constitute the work of this unit on which I should be marked on.

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